Catalyst Award Application Submission Form 2022

Z_(Archived) Catalyst Application Submission

  • Before you apply, make sure that you are conforming to the MOST RECENT Catalyst Award RFA.
  • To submit your application, please fill out the form, attach your application in PDF format and click the SUBMIT button. Following the successful submission of your application you will receive a confirmation at the email address entered by you on the form.
  • Applications are being accepted until 5:00 PM of the day indicated in the Key Dates of the RFA.
  • Questions about the Catalyst Award program should be directed to Eleonora Gatta at: Questions about the application webform should be directed to Corinna Kitcharoen at
  • All fields marked by asterisks (*) are required.


IMPORTANT: To be eligible to submit a Catalyst Proposal, at least two Principal Investigators (PIs) from two different CBC universities are required.

Two co-PIs, each from a different CBC university, can be entered on this form. Additional co-PIs, if any, MUST be listed on the Title Page of the submitted application.

PI #1 (Application Submitter) *
(e.g. MD, PhD, MD/PhD)
(e.g. Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor)
Select one

PI #2 *
(e.g. MD, PhD, MD/PhD)
(e.g. Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor)
Select one

(max. 100 characters including white space)
(max. 5 key words, separated by a comma)
(Type in the requested amount using the following number format: 249800.80 without any commas or the $ sign)



  • Please make sure that you are conforming to the MOST RECENT Catalyst Award RFA.
  • Remember that the Title Page and Budget Forms MUST be downloaded from the Catalyst Award RFA and appended to the proposal in the order specified in the RFA.
  • All parts of the application MUST be combined into a SINGLE PDF. PDF portfolios will NOT be accepted.
  • Application file MUST be named following this format: PI1lastname_PI2lastname_PI3lastname.pdf (e.g., smith_brown_williams.pdf).
  • Applications not conforming to the specified guidelines will NOT BE ACCEPTED.
Application completion checkbox list (recommended)
Please make sure your application includes:
Application PDF upload *

Maximum file size: 104.86MB

NOTE: Maximum upload size of the CBC applications is 10MB
Please check the box below to confirm that this is a legitimate webform submission. *
NOTE: The form submission is NOT completed until you press the SUBMIT button below AND receive a submission confirmation email from the CBC.