The CBC program is managed by the Executive Director who provide overall direction and guidance for the CBC. As of January 1, 2023, the CBC Executive Director reports to the CBC universities Chief Scientific Officers (CSOs) who hold the positions of Senior Research Officers at the three CBC universities (Northwestern University (NU), The University of Chicago (UChicago), and the University of Illinois Chicago (UIC)).
Day-to-day management of CBC programs rests with a core Program Management Team, who assists with ongoing operations and reports to the Executive Director.
The Executive Oversight Board (EOB) provides general oversight of the CBC, holding the CBC accountable for achieving established goals. The members of the EOB also provide guidance and, where possible, assistance on major initiatives to expand linkages with the biomedical industry, fundraise, and elevate the public profile of the CBC. As of April 20, 2020, following the CBC Governance Committee recommendation, the governance structure of the CBC reports to the CBC CSOs.
▸ CBC Executive Oversight Board (EOB)
The Scientific Advisory Board’s (SAB) overarching goal will be to evaluate annually the scientific agenda and programs of the CBC to ensure the highest scientific standards and the stature of the CBC as an intellectual leader in scientific circles are maintained.
▸ CBC Scientific Advisory Board (SAB)
CBC Programs’ Review Boards
CBC Accelerator Award program proposals are evaluated by the CBC Accelerator Venture Board (AVB), composed of civic minded venture capital professionals, who generously donate their time to assess finalized investment theses and recommend funding for viable Accelerator Award proposals.
▸ CBC Accelerator Venture Board (AVB)
CBC Catalyst awards are made on the basis of scientific merit and are evaluated by the Catalyst Review Board (CRB) composed of equal numbers of scientists from consortium institutions who serve on a volunteer basis. The Board advises the Scientific Directors and works closely with the Executive Director to define and implement the specifics of the Catalyst Award program.
*The last edition of the Catalyst Award was provided in June 2023, after which the CRB was dissolved.
The CBC Neuroscience Affinity Group Steering Committee consists of senior scientists from across the institutions who are committed to building the community. The Steering Committee sets the community rules of engagement and helps implement the decisions of the Affinity Group.