Community, Biotech & Entrepreneurship Archives contain Chicago Community, Biotech & Entrepreneurship news, announcements and events that have been chronologically posted on the CBC homepage throughout the year.
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Posted: December 21, 2018
Save the date: Friday, February 8, 2019
UIC College of Pharmacy
▸ College of Pharmacy Research Day
Posted: December 19, 2018
INVOForward Seeking Teams Interested in Commercializing Therapeutics
INVOForward is a mentorship program designed to help Northwestern teams accelerate biomedical commercialization, such as therapeutics, medical devices, and Health IT. It is designed to increase entrepreneurship by helping potential or current biomedical entrepreneurship teams focus on the customer discovery process and relevant commercialization ecosystem and terminologies. Through their discovery, the teams test and identify their market fit and assess the level of impact of their business proposition. INVOForward is modeled after, and will expand upon programs like the NIH I-Corps and University of Michigan’s Fast Forward Medical Innovation.
▸ Learn more
▸ Apply
December 11, 2018
Rosalind Franklin University and SmartHealth Activator
▸ Why A Scientist Can Make A Great Entrepreneur
Featuring Bob Altman – Member Hyde Park Angels, Board Member Preora Diagnostics, Toltec Pharmaceuticals, Output Medical.
November 26, 2018
UChicago IT
▸ IT Matters: Driving Research and Discovery
November 13, 2018
Rosalind Franklin University and Smart Health Activator
▸ BioPathways: Funding Medical Device and Nutritional Innovation
Featuring Bill Weelch, Senior Director, Abbott Ventures
Posted: October 2018
Illinois at a Glance; What makes up the ecosystem? Check out a slide deck by Illinois Science & Technology Coalition:
▸ Illinois Innovation Ecosystem
September 14, 2018
UIC Postdoctoral Association (PDA)
▸ PDA Career Development 2018 Symposium
Jim Audia, CBC Executive Director, on a panel ‘Industry Careers’
September 12, 2018
The Atlantic
▸ The State of Care: Disrupting Alzheimer’s with The Atlantic
September 11, 2018
UIC and GE Healthcare Biacore
▸ Chicago Biacore User Day
September 11, 2018
SmartHealth Activator & Rosalind Franklin University
▸ Outlook for Canadian Biotech
July 10, 2018
SmartHealth Activator
▸ Perspectives on Innovation from a Japanese Pharma
Featuring Bob Chib, Head of Innovation, Astellas
June 26-27, 2018
Arrowhead Publishers // Communicated by Cures Within Reach
▸ 7th Annual Drug Repositioning, Repurposing and Rescue Conference
NOTE: CBC community members qualify for 35% registration discount.
Email for details.
June 13-14, 2018
▸ SBIR/STTR Grant Writing Workshop
PROPEL is hosting this 2-day Intensive Workshop, provided by BBC Entrepreneurial Training & Consulting (BBCetc), that will cover all aspects of writing SBIR/STTR grants focused on life science technologies including: eligibility, sources of funding and agency differences, understanding what reviewers look for, step-by-step instruction on how to write each section of your proposal.
Registration opens April 1. For questions, contact
June 10-15, 2018
Gordon Research Conference (GRC) and Seminar (GRS)
▸ Drug Safety GRC
▸ Drug Safety GRS
Update (05/14/2018): The application for the awards is full and has closed.
The 2018 Drug Safety Gordon Research Conference (GRC) will be held in Easton, MA, at Stonehill College, June 10-15. A Gordon Research Seminar (GRS), will be held June 9-10 (the weekend prior) at the same site. Topics include systems and computational toxicology, microphysiological systems, immune modulation in clinical development and big data approach to adverse event detection. The event will be an ideal opportunity for those interested in enhancing their understanding of contemporary Safety Assessment in drug discovery/development.
A few awards for selected students, postdocs or other young scientists from the Chicago Biomedical Research Consortium institutions are available. The award covers all costs (registration, room and board) for the GRC meeting except travel. The students/trainees who receive awards must present a poster and stay for the entire meeting. For an additional cost ($275) awarded students/trainees are encouraged to participate in the GRS the weekend prior to the conference.
If you would like to apply, please email
June 12, 2018
SmartHealth Activator & Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science
▸ Fireside Chat: Perspectives on Big Pharma Acquisitions and Partnering
Featuring Catherine Sazdanoff, Chief Business Officer, Strate Oncology, Inc.
May 1 – June 3, 2018
UChicago Polsky Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation
▸ UChicago Innovation Fest
May 24, 2018
▸ Idea->Patent->Product
May 17, 2018
Women in Bio Chicago
▸ Formula for Success: Blending Project Mgmt & SME for Successful Regulatory Compliance
Life Science businesses face an increasingly complex landscape of regulatory compliance requirements— and it’s only going to get more complicated. In this deep-dive presentation, a subject matter expert (SME) and project managers share insights on …
May 15, 2018
SmartHealth Activator & Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science
▸ BioPathways: Healthcare Innovation at the Blues
Featuring John Banta, Executive Director, Blue Cross Blue Shield Venture Partners, LP.
April 26, 2018
Keystone Symposium
▸ Drug Discovery: Current Trends in Medicinal Chemistry
VIRTUAL EVENT. Must be registered to participate.
Walter H. Moos, PhD, UCSF & ShangPharma Innovation
Gina Xiaojing Wang, PhD, Genentech, Inc.
Dmitry O. Koltun, PhD, Gilead Sciences, Inc.
Chudi Ndubaku, PhD, Aduro Biotech, Inc.
Eric B. Harstad, PhD, DABT, Theravance Biopharma
April 17, 2018
▸ Life beyond bench: Non-profit organizations and you!
Featuring: Barbara Goodman (Cures Within Reach), Alexandra Prokuda (Chicago Council on Science & Technology) and Dima Elissa (Amer. Medical Women’s Assocc.)
March 20, 2018
SmartHealth Activator & Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science
▸ BioPathways: Fast-tracking Drug Repurposing for New Treatments of Life-threatening Diseases
Featuring Dr. Bruce Bloom, CEO, Cures Within Reach
February 21, 2018
Women in Bio (WIB) – Chicago Chapter
▸ A Discussion of the Legal,
Regulatory, and Business Concerns for Biosimilars in 2018
Women in Bio (WIB) Chicago is hosting A Discussion of the Legal, Regulatory, and Business Concerns for Biosimilars in 2018. Last year was a big one in the world of biosimilars: from doubling the number of approved biosimilar products to obtaining clarity on the legal landscape. Our distinguished panel will discuss the myriad legal, regulatory, scientific, pricing, and access issues that biosimilar applicants will be facing this year–issues which will determine whether the public will see another banner year for the availability of life- and cost-saving drug therapies. The panel will include Rekha Hanu, Executive Director, Chief IP Counsel, Akorn Pharmaceuticals and Chistine Simmon, Senior Vice President, Policy & Strategic Alliances, Association for Medicines.
February 20, 2018
SmartHealth Activator & Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science
▸ BioPathways: 2018 Outlook for Healthcare VC Funding in the Midwest
Featuring Nicole Walker, MBA, Partner, Venture Capital – Healthcare Baird Capital
January 30 and 31, 2018
▸ SBIR/STTR Grant Writing Workshop
Time: 9am – 4pm
Location: MATTER, Chicago, IL
PROPEL is hosting this 2-day Intensive Workshop, provided by BBC Entrepreneurial Training & Consulting (BBCetc), that will cover all aspects of writing SBIR/STTR grants focused on life science technologies including: eligibility, sources of funding and agency differences, understanding what reviewers look for, and step-by-step instruction on how to write each section of your proposal. The workshop will cover all agencies, including Department of Defense, National Science Foundation and the National Institutes of Health, with detailed emphasis on NIH. Who should attend: Anyone planning on submitting an SBIR/STTR proposal in the next 12 months; Individuals interested in learning enough about the program to determine if they are interested in pursuing future submissions; Individuals supporting SBIR/STTR applicants and companies including financial managers, business managers, other administrative personnel; and Individuals from academic institutions interested in working with SBIR/STTR applicants as subcontractors and supporting personnel. Why you should attend: National averages for NIH SBIR proposal funding are around 20% for Phase I and 40% for Phase II; and BBC clients are funded at a rate two to three higher than the national average across agencies. Cost is $250 per participant / $200 each additional from the same company if registered by September 27; late registration is $300. For questions, contact