Accelerator Venture Board (AVB)

Updated: February 23, 2022

Education and outreach are important aspects of the CBC mission. Over the years, the CBC has organized and hosted multiple educational opportunities that bridge institutional boundaries and are open to all members of the CBC research community. For more information on CBC-sponsored Events, choose from the following:

The CBC strives to be an up-to-date information center for the CBC community and posts many other relevant biomedical research events occurring city-wide. Bookmark the CBC Homepage to stay well informed!


Upcoming AVB Meetings

Updated: November 3, 2022

9:00 AM CT January 31, 2023 Tuesday
9:00 AM CT February 28, 2023 Tuesday
5:00 PM CT March 28, 2023 Tuesday
9:00 AM CT April 25, 20223 Tuesday
3:00 PM CT May 23, 2023 Tuesday
9:00 AM CT June 27, 2023 Tuesday

▸ Accelerator Award RFA
▸ Funded Accelerator Awards
▸ Accelerator Venture Board Directory