Neuroscience Affinity Group Letter of Intent (LOI) Submission 2023

Neuroscience Affinity Group Letter of Intent (LOI) Submission

  • Before you apply, make sure that you are conforming to the MOST RECENT Neuroscience Affinity Group RFA.
  • To submit your Letter of Intent (LOI), please fill out the online form below, attach your 3-page Affinity Group LOI Submission Form and budget forms in PDF format and click the SUBMIT button. Following the successful submission of your LOI, you will receive a confirmation at the email address entered by you on the form.
  • LOIs are being accepted until 5:00 PM on Tuesday, May 30, 2023.
  • Questions about the Neuroscience Affinity Group should be directed to Eleonora Gatta at: Questions about the LOI webform should be directed to Corinna Kitcharoen at
  • All fields marked by asterisks (*) are required.


IMPORTANT: To be eligible to submit a Neuroscience Affinity Group Proposal, each Scientific Team will be composed of two-three scientists from at least two institutions. At least one of the PIs in the Scientific Team needs to be a Research Faculty or Tenure-Track Faculty affiliated with a CBC member institution (UIC, NU, UChicago).

PI #1 (LOI Submitter and Designated Team Contact Person) *
(e.g. MD, PhD, MD/PhD)
(e.g. Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor)
Select one

PI #2 *
(e.g. MD, PhD, MD/PhD)
(e.g. Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor)
Select one
Click YES if your Scientific Team consists of more than 2 team members

PI #3 *
(e.g. MD, PhD, MD/PhD)
(e.g. Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor)
Select one

PI #4 *
(e.g. MD, PhD, MD/PhD)
(e.g. Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor)
Select one

II. Letter of Intent (LOI) INFORMATION
(max. 100 characters including white space)
(max. 5 key words, separated by a comma)
(Type in the requested amount using the following number format: 249800.80 without any commas or the $ sign)

III. Letter of Intent (LOI) SUBMISSION


  • Please make sure that you are conforming to the MOST RECENT Neuroscience Affinity Group RFA.
  • Remember to download the 3-page Affinity Group LOI Submission Form, complete and append as pages 1-3.
  • Remember to download the 2-page university-specific budget form for each participating PI (NU budget form, UChicago budget form, UIC budget form), complete and append as pages 4 and beyond.
  • All parts of the application MUST be combined into a SINGLE PDF. PDF portfolios will NOT be accepted.
  • PDF application file MUST be named following this format: Start with “AG_LOI_” followed by the last name of the PI designated as contact person (e.g., AG_LOI_smith.pdf).
  • Applications not conforming to the specified guidelines will BE RETURNED FOR REVISIONS.
LOI completion checkbox list (recommended)
Please make sure your application includes:
LOI PDF upload *

Maximum file size: 104.86MB

NOTE: Maximum upload size of the CBC applications is 10MB
Please check the box below to confirm that this is a legitimate webform submission. *
NOTE: The form submission is NOT completed until you press the SUBMIT button below AND receive a submission confirmation email from the CBC.