CBC-HITES LOI Submission Form – 2024

CBC-HITES Online Application Form
Welcome to the CBC-HITES online application submission page.

Please read the IMPORTANT information below before starting the application.

  • Applications are accepted on a twice-yearly interval.
  • Before submitting your CBC-HITES application, make sure that you are conforming to the MOST RECENT CBC-HITES RFA.
  • To submit your application, please fill out the online form (4 pages). All fields marked by asterisks (*) are required.
    1. Attach your LOI in PDF format. The LOI must conform to the following guidelines:
      • One-paragraph lay-language summary of the project (max. 150 words)
      • Starting on a separate page, include an overview of the translational potential of the project, describing the following (4 pages max; please answer to the best of your ability, the CBC-HITES team is to help fully develop these answers with applying team):
        • Basic research findings that are the basis of the hypothesis and project, including its significance with respect to the basic science, and the compelling data that suggests clinical/translational potential
        • Diagnostic, biomarker, therapeutic, device, or health IT you have in mind and its significance
        • Proposed patient population that will benefit from your discovery
        • Potential clinical or therapeutic need
        • Positioning: how the proposed innovation differs from existing ones and/or benefits patients in a new way
        • Experiments you intend to do over the first year and how they will address key translational risks
        • Translational goal(s) for your project and proposed milestones (ensure that these are adequately quantitative for demonstrating progress)
        • Has this project received any funding for translational work? If yes, please elaborate and indicate the relationship of this proposal to otherwise funded work.

    2. References (1 page max.)
    3. LOI is assembled into a SINGLE PDF.
    4. The file is properly named (e.g. HITES_LOI_lastname.pdf).
    5. Click the submit button.
      • Following the successful submission of your application, you will receive a confirmation at the email address provided on the form.

  • Questions about the CBC-HITES program should be directed to Jessica Irons at jessica.irons@northwestern.edu. Questions about the webform should be directed to Corinna Kitcharoen at ckitch1@uic.edu.

Eligibility *

To be eligible to apply for a CBC-HITES award, applications must include at least one Research Faculty or Tenure Track Faculty at one of our nine partner institutions. Applicants must have their own designated laboratory space. The intellectual property of the innovation highlighted in this award must NOT be licensed to a company. Please contact Jessica Irons (jessica.irons@northwestern.edu) for questions about eligibility.

Select all that apply:

Submitter’s Information *

Enter your personal information below as PI #1. If there are additional co-PIs, please check YES at the end of each submitter section to add information for the next PI.

(e.g. MD, PhD, MD/PhD)
(e.g. Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor)
Add information for PI #2?

PI #2 Info

(e.g. MD, PhD, MD/PhD)
(e.g. Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor)
Add information for PI #3?

PI #3 Info

(e.g. MD, PhD, MD/PhD)
(e.g. Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor)
Add information for PI #4?

PI #4 Info

(e.g. MD, PhD, MD/PhD)
(e.g. Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor)
Add additional PI information?

Additional PI Info

Include full name(s), degree(s), title(s), institution(s) and email(s) of all additional PIs

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