Award Details:
Award Type: Catalyst
Award #: C-053
Proposal Title: Development of a 3D Snapshot Holographic Microscope for Volumetric Live Cell Imaging
PI(s): Norbert Scherer (UChicago) and Oliver Cossairt (NU)
Award Amount: $199,633.00
Application Cycle: Round 17 (Spring 2014)
Award Start Date: August 1, 2014
Award End Date: July 31, 2016
We propose to develop a 3D Snapshot Holographic Microscope (3D-SHM) capable of imaging whole live cells in all 3 dimensions in a single “snapshot.” The instrument combines independent developments in the Cossairt and Scherer/Jureller labs. This will enable imaging motion (dynamics) of cellular processes by brightfield, darkfield, and fluorescence microscopy modalities. A specific goal is developing greater understanding of intracellular transport and secretion of insulin granules in living cells. However, other biological and non-biological processes and systems can be studied with the 3D-SHM.