Award Details:
Award Type: Lever
Award #: L-003
Proposal Title: Nanomaterials for Cancer Diagnostics and Therapeutics
PI(s): Chad Mirkin and Milan Mrksich (NU), David Eddington (UIC) and Joel Collier (UChicago)
Award Amount: $2,117,241.00
Application Cycle: N/A (rolling basis)
Award Start Date: May 1, 2011
Award End Date: April 30, 2014
The CBC has awarded a Lever of $2.1 million over three years to establish two core facilities that will develop, fabricate, and disseminate standardized and well-defined matrices and substrates for culturing cancer cells. The facilities will be housed at the University of Illinois at Chicago and at the University of Chicago and operated by a team of dedicated technicians at both sites. The CBC Lever Award matches a $12 million award over five years from the National Cancer Institute (NCI) to help establish a collaborative network of Centers of Cancer Nanotechnology Excellence (CCNEs).CBC Lever Awards are matching grants made to inter-institutional groups that are submitting large-scale grant proposals. The Principal Investigators on the Nanomaterials for Cancer Diagnostics and Therapeutics CBC Lever Award are Chad Mirkin (NU), David Eddington (UIC), Milan Mrksich, (NU) and Joel Collier (UChicago).
The core facilities will have a two-part objective:
(1) Fabricate and Disseminate Tools – the two cores primary effort will be directed towards the preparation of the patterned substrates, peptide amphiphiles and culture devices.
(2) Technical Instruction – the two cores will provide applications specialists who will travel to local laboratories and instruct laboratory members in the use of the tools.
Both the culture tools and technical support will be provided to interested laboratories at no cost. Thus the CBC will provide a mechanism and funding for the translation of NCI-funded research into broad use.
The following foundries are offered to the CBC community through the Nanomaterials for Cancer Diagnostics and Therapeutics Lever Award:
- Microenvironmental Control Foundry
- The Nanopatterning Foundry
- Matrix Synthesis Foundry