Award Details:
Award Type: Lever
Award #: L-005
Proposal Title: Center for Production of Affinity Reagents for Human Transcription Factors: Chicago Synthetic Antibody Pipeline
PI(s): Anthony Kossiakoff and Geoffrey Greene (UChicago), Brian Kay (UIC), and Jason Brickner (NU)
Award Amount: $2,321,520.00
Application Cycle: N/A (rolling basis)
Award Start Date: September 1, 2012
Award End Date: August 31, 2015
The CBC has awarded the fifth Lever Award to scientists from the three CBC member institutions: Tony Kossiakoff (UChicago), Brian Kay (UIC), Geoffrey Greene (UChicago) and Jason Brickner (NU) for a proposal, Center for Production of Affinity Reagents for Human Transcription Factors: Chicago Synthetic Antibody Pipeline (CSAP). The $2.3M CBC Lever Award was awarded in conjunction with an NIH U54 grant, Recombinant Antibody Network (RAN). The goal of the $12.2M NIH grant is to generate renewable, high quality affinity reagents against all human transcription factors. The Lever Award will use the NIH RAN infrastructure to generate affinity reagents for the CBC community against a variety of targets including membrane and soluble proteins, protein complexes and functional RNA. Synthetic antibodies will be generated by phage display and will be stored as plasmids, allowing for low cost regeneration.
See also:
▸ Chicago Synthetic Antibody Pipeline (CSAP)
▸ Recombinant Antibody Network Portal