CBC Awards

Award Details:

Award Type: Accelerator
Award #: A-016
Proposal Title: Development of a Novel Treatment for Ovarian Cancer Based on Toxic RNA
PI(s): Marcus Peter (NU)
Award Amount: $100,000.00
Application Cycle: Round 4 (Spring 2020)
Award Start Date: October 1, 2020
Award End Date: September 30, 2021


Ovarian cancer is one of the deadliest cancers affecting women. This is due to the cancer developing resistance to any available therapy. This proposal seeks to develop a radically new form of cancer therapy based on the discovery of a kill code embedded in our genome. This mechanism may have developed more than 800 Million years ago to eliminate cancer cells. It is based on small molecules called RNA present in all cells. Using certain small RNAs we have found a way to trigger this fundamental cell death mechanism in any cancer cell without harming normal cells. The unique aspect of this mechanism is that cancer cells cannot become resistant to it. In this proposal we will use viruses as Trojan horses to deliver the toxic RNAs to ovarian cancer cells in preclinical mouse models.


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