Success Stories 2019

Success stories feature CBC awardees and other CBC community members, as well as research accomplishments attributed to CBC funding.

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December 30, 2019
New accolades for the CBC members!
Three CBC community members among the twenty-two UChicago faculty honored with named professorships or appointed distinguished service professors
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December 18, 2019
Cite us — we’ll “cite” you back!
Twenty-three recent publications attributed to eighteen CBC Awards contribute to a total of 2463 publications that are the result of CBC-sponsored research to date
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November 19, 2019
Modeling MEK4 Kinase Inhibitors
Four past CBC Awardees working at the CBC Lever Award-supported NU Medicinal and Synthetic Chemistry Core (ChemCore) at the Center for Molecular Innovation and Drug Discovery (CMIDD) contribute
Raymond Bergan (now at Oregon Health & Science University), Matt Clutter, Karl Scheidt and Gary Schiltz, NU, have multiple ties to the CBC (see the article for details).
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November 19, 2019
Problems with metal/organic interfaces…
Explained and solved by CBC Awardee Laura Sanchez, UIC, in a recent Chemical Communications publication
Laura Sanchez, UIC, received a CBC Catalyst Award (2016).
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November 14, 2019
A gut bacteria-derived metabolite protects against drug-induced liver injury
A CBC Catalyst Award team of Hyunyoung Jeong, UIC and Eugene Chang, UChicago, describes in a recent bioRxiv
Hyunyoung Jeong, UIC and Eugene Chang, UChicago received a CBC Catalyst Award (2016).
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November 14, 2019
“Plug and play” Fab-based affinity reagents
Continuing his research initiated in 2012 with the help of a CBC Lever Award, Tony Kossiakoff, UChicago, develops new ultra-high affinity modules capable of displaying multiple and versatile functionalities
Tony Kossiakoff, UChicago, received a CBC Lever Award (2012).
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November 8, 2019
Structure of chromatin remodeling complex SWI/SNF resolved
Two CBC Awards to Han Yan and Yuan He, NU, have supported research recently published in bioRxiv, which describes the structure of SWI/SNF complex bound to a nucleosome at near atomic resolution
Han Yan (postdoc) and Yuan He, NU received a CBC Postdoctoral Research (2016); Yuan He received a CBC Catalyst Award (2015).
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November 7, 2019
Tempus xT platform
CBC Senior Investigator Kevin White, UChicago and Tempus, is senior author on a recent Nature Biotechnology publication which demonstrates the importance of integrated genomic profiling for personalized treatment of cancer patients
Kevin White, UChicago and Tempus, is CBC Senior Investigator (as of 2006).
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October 24, 2019
Neural crest development
“Hot off the press” review of the neural crest development in the zebrafish model by CBC Catalyst Awardee Vicky Prince of UChicago
Vicky Prince, UChicago, is a CBC Catalyst Award recipient (2016).
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October 24, 2019
Mechanics of a molecular logic OR
CBC Catalyst Award recipient, Xiaojing Yang, UIC, employs dynamic crystallography to investigate the structural changes in a dual-sensor histidine kinase underlying its ability to operate as a molecular logic “OR” gate
Xiaojing Yang, UIC, is a CBC Catalyst Award recipient (2018).
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October 24, 2019
STORI plot analysis of “tricky” ions
Or, how the Selective Temporal Overview of Resonant Ions (STORI) plots can help accurately determine the charge of troublesome ions — CBC Senior Investigator Neil Kelleher, NU, contributes
Neil Kelleher, NU, is a CBC Senior Investigator (as of 2010).
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October 23, 2019
National Academy of Medicine 2019 Elects
Six CBC university faculty members, including two CBC awardees, and two Annual CBC Symposia speakers among the 100 newly elected members to the National Academy of Medicine!
Susan Quaggin, NU, received a CBC Exploratory Workshop Award in 2014. Ernst Lengyel, UChicago, received Exploratory Workshop Award and an HTS Award in 2013, and a Postdoctoral Research Award in 2014, renewed for 2015.
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October 21, 2019
Do you know how T cells discriminate between foreign and self-antigens?
Check out the recent publication in Cellular & Molecular Immunology reporting on the results from research partially sponsored by two CBC Awards!
Dibyendu Sasmal, a postdoc in Jun Huang’s lab, UChicago, is a CBC Postdoctoral Research Award (2016) recipient. Jun Huang, UChicago, is a CBC Catalyst Award (2017) recipient.
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October 18, 2019
3D particle tracking in live cells
In a recent Nano Letters publication, CBC Awardee Norbert Scherer, UChicago, describes the development of a novel multifocal microscopy (MFM) capable of a simultaneous 3D tracking of multiple fluorescent particles in live cells with nanoscale resolution
Norbert Scherer, UChicago, is CBC Catalyst Award recipient (2014).
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October 16, 2019
Enhancer-hijacking in gastric cancer
CBC Senior Investigator Kevin White, UChicago and Tempus, contributes to a recently published study about the role and the type of genomic rearrangements in the pathogenesis of gastric cancer
Kevin White, UChicago and Tempus, is CBC Senior Investigator (as of 2006).
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October 16, 2019
Dissecting SOD2 tumorigenic properties
In a recent PNAS paper, two CBC Awardees, David Gius, NU and Jonna Frasor, UIC explore the mechanisms of mitochondrial superoxide dismutase (SOD2) cancerogenic activity in late-stage breast cancer
David Gius, NU, received a CBC Catalyst Award (2015).
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October 10, 2019
MicroMGx, a CBC university spinoff, to collaborate with Corteva Agriscience
Chicago-based biotech company MicroMGx, co-founded by CBC Senior Investigator Neil Kelleher, NU, will share its metabologenomics expertise with Corteva Agriscience in joined efforts to develop novel microbial-based crop protection products.
Neil Kelleher, NU, is a CBC Senior Investigator (as of 2010).
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October 8, 2019
Complexities of trait variation
Explained by CBC Awardee, Eric Andersen, NU, in a recent Evolution Letters publication.
Eric Andersen, NU received a CBC Catalyst Award (2014).
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October 8, 2019
sADPL profiling of proteome
In a fresh off the press PNAS paper, CBC awardee Ray Moellering, UChicago, describes a novel technique called soluble activity-dependent proximity ligation (aADPL) that may significantly improve proteome analysis.
Ray Moellering, UChicago received a CBC Catalyst Award (2017).
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October 7, 2019
Fighting metastatic ovarian cancer
CBC High-Throughput Screening (HTS) Award helps Hilary Kenny and Ernst Lengyel, UChicago, identify three promising ovarian cancer metastasis inhibitors
Hilary Kenny and Ernst Lengyel, UChicago, received a CBC HTS Award (2013).
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October 7, 2019
Of cocaine and estrogen
Or, why women are more susceptible than men to develop cocaine addiction — two CBC community members Neil Kelleher and Paul Thomas, NU, help to elucidate in a recent Journal of Proteome Research publication
Neil Kelleher, NU, is a CBC Senior Investigator (as of 2010).
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October 4, 2019
Dynamic tuning of environmental sensitivity
CBC Junior Investigator Michael Rust, UChicago, contributes to a recent Cell Systems study addressing the mechanisms of organismal sensitivity to changing environment
Michael Rust, UChicago, is a CBC Junior Investigator (as of 2011).
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October 4, 2019
Could stem cells heal chronic wounds?
In a recent Genes & Diseases review, a CBC Catalyst Team of Guillermo Ameer, NU, Tong-Chuan He and Russell Reid, UChicago, discusses the applicability of stems cells in treating chronic skin wounds
Guillermo Ameer, NU, Tong-Chuan He and Russell Reid, UChicago, are recipients of a CBC Catalyst Award (2013).
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October 3, 2019
Improving Ribo-T system
CBC awardees, bioengineer Michael Jewett, NU, and medicinal chemist Alexander Mankin, UIC, describe in a recent Nature Communications article their efforts to engineer ribosomes optimized to synthesize a diverse set of proteins
Michael Jewett and Alexander Mankin have multifaceted relationships with the CBC (see the article).
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October 1, 2019
Mechanics of actin-microtubule composites
Explained in recent Scientific Reports paper, by a CBC Junior Investigator Michael Rust, UChicago, and his collaborators
Michael Rust, UChicago, is a CBC Junior Investigator (as of 2011).
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October 1, 2019
Ordering proteoforms
In a recent issue of Nature Methods, CBC Senior Investigator Neil Kelleher, NU, proposes a five-level classification system for proteoform identifications
Neil Kelleher, NU, is a CBC Senior Investigator (as of 2010).
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September 27, 2019
Hypothalamus, the primary responder to the light–dark cycle
In a recent Genes & Development review, CBC Spark Award recipient Joseph Bass, NU, explains what is known about the interplay between the circadian rhythm and the hypothalamus, and their role in regulating metabolism.
Joseph Bass, NU, received a CBC Spark Award (2011) and a Catalyst Award (2007).
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September 20, 2019
Illinois Researchers to Know 2019
Three CBC awardees among twenty-one distinguished scientists named “Researchers to Know 2019” at Illinois’ universities: Chuan He, UChicago, and Michael Jewett and Joshua Leonard, NU.
Chuan He, UChicago, Michael Jewett and Joshua Leonard, NU, have many ties to the CBC (see the article).
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September 12, 2019
ECM in health and disease
Recent CBC Catalyst Awardee, Alexandra Naba, UIC, reviews current scientific approaches to studying extracellular matrix (ECM) in healthy and pathological tissue samples
Alexandra Naba, UIC, received a CBC Catalyst Award (2018)
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September 10, 2019
Curious if (or which) viruses live in municipal wastewater treatment plants?
A CBC Catalyst team of Brian Murphy and Rachel Poretsky, UIC and George Wells, NU, reports in Microbial Biotechnology
Brian Murphy and Rachel Poretsky, UIC and George Wells, NU, received a CBC Catalyst Award (2014)
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September 6, 2019
Introducing a light-operated pacemaker
Past CBC Awardee Bozhi Tian, UChicago, develops a wireless silicon nanowire-based pacemaker that is powered by light
Bozhi Tian and his postdoc Yucai Wang, UChicago, received a CBC Postdoctoral Award (2014)
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August 29, 2019
Does air pollution contribute to psychiatric disorders?
CBC Awardee, Andrey Rzhetsky, UChicago, shows an alarmingly strong correlation between “bad air” and increased prevalence of psychiatric diseases, especially bipolar disorder and major depression
Andrey Rzhetsky, UChicago, together with Edwin Cook (UIC), and Richard Morimoto (NU) received a CBC Lever Award (2012), matching a grant from the National Institute of Mental Health (P50MH094267), to support the Silvio O. Conte Center on the Computational Systems Genomics of Psychiatric Disorders.
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August 29, 2019
Supplementing autologous bone grafts
A CBC Catalyst Team of Guillermo Ameer, NU, Tong-Chuan He and Russell Reid, UChicago, tests Imiquimod’s potential to induce differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells toward an osteogenic phenotype, with implications for bone reconstruction.
Guillermo Ameer, NU, Tong-Chuan He and Russell Reid, UChicago, are recipients of a CBC Catalyst Award (2013).
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August 13, 2019
3D structure of hepatitis A virus IRES: a three-way junction
A CBC Lever Award Pilot Project awarded to Joseph Piccirilli, UChicago, resolved the 3D structure of internal ribosomal entry sites (IRES) of picornaviral RNA
Joseph Piccirilli, UChicago, was awarded a Pilot Project funded by a 2012 CBC Lever Award.
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August 13, 2019
Mechanosensitive ion channels & nuclear blebbing
CBC Postdoctoral Research Award to Andrew Stephens, a postdoc in John Marko’s lab, NU, funds an intricate work on the mechanisms of nuclear blebbing frequently seen in cancer cells and in progeria
Andrew Stephens, a postdoc in John Marko’s lab, NU, received a CBC Postdoctoral Research Award (2016).
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August 9, 2019
NSF’s ChemMatCARS to receive a second “beamline”
Two CBC affiliates, Ka Yee Christina Lee and Matthew Tirrell, UChicago, among co-principal investigators on a joint $14.1 million NSF grant to UChicago and UIC, to upscale NSF’s ChemMatCARS
Ka Yee Christina Lee, together with Erin Adams, UChicago, co-mentored Greg Tietjen, a CBC Scholar, Class of 2012. Matthew Tirrell, UChicago, is a recipient of two CBC Awards: a CBC Postdoctoral Research Award (2014) with Eun Ji Chung, a postdoc in his lab, and a CBC Catalyst Award (2013) with Michael Federle (UIC).
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August 8, 2019
“Medicine in the Fourth Dimension”
In a recent review in Cell Metabolism, CBC Spark Award recipient, Joseph Bass, NU, discusses the impact of circadian biology on drug development
Joseph Bass, NU, received a CBC Spark Award (2011) and a CBC Catalyst Award (2007).
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August 7, 2019
Gas6, a molecular switch of inflammation
Two CBC Awardees, Asrar Malik and Jalees Rehman, UIC, contribute to a recent publication in PNAS reporting on the identification of Gas6, a molecular switch operating in macrophages, that can either make them help extinguish or flare up the process of inflammation
Asrar Malik, UIC, received two CBC Postdoctoral Research Awards (2016 and 2014, respectively) and co-organized and presented at the CBC Vascular Biology Exploratory Workshop. Jalees Rehman, UIC, is a CBC Catalyst Award recipient (2009).
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August 6, 2019
New oncogenic driver discovered
A CBC Lever Award plus a quartet of CBC awardees: Jon Oyer, Jonathan Licht and Neil Kelleher, NU, and Alex Ruthenburg, UChicago, contribute to a recent Cancer Discovery publication
Jon Oyer, Jonathan Licht and Neil Kelleher, NU, and Alex Ruthenburg, UChicago, have multiple ties to the CBC (see the article for the details).
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August 6, 2019
Watching CRISPR in action
Past CBC Awardee Brad Merrill, UIC, helps to resolve the CRISPR-Cas9 structure at the atomic-level before and after cutting the DNA; data recently published in Nature Structural and Molecular Biology
Brad Merrill, UIC, received a CBC Catalyst Award (2014), participated in the CBC Tech Day (2014) as an invited speaker and was a mentor to a CBC Scholar, Brian Shy, Class of 2013.
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August 5, 2019
Pathogenesis of sun-protected melanomas
CBC Senior Investigator, Kevin White, UChicago (currently Tempus), investigates genetic heterogeneity of sun-protected melanomas
Kevin White, UChicago, is a CBC Senior Investigator (2006).
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August 2, 2019
Cataloguing Drosophila matrisome
Fresh from the e-press: CBC Awardees, Sally Horne-Badovinac (UChicago) and Alexandra Naba (UIC) propose a structural and functional classification of the genes encoding Drosophila extracellular matrix (ECM) and ECM-associated proteins
Sally Horne-Badovinac (UChicago) received a CBC Postdoctoral Research Award (2016). Alexandra Naba (UIC) received a CBC Catalyst Award (2018).
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August 1, 2019
Protein purification “decision tree”
CBC Senior Investigator Neil Kelleher, NU, contributes to a review in Nature Methods on best practices for protein analysis by top-down mass spectrometry
Neil Kelleher, NU, is a CBC Senior Investigator (as of 2010).
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August 1, 2019
Fighting MRSA
A Catalyst Team of Michael Johnson, UIC and Robert Daum, UChicago, identify three novel compounds that restore oxacillin efficacy against the methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)
Michael Johnson, UIC and Robert Daum, UChicago, received a CBC Catalyst Award (2013).
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July 30, 2019
Just slow down!
How slower metabolism could eliminate developmental genetic diseases and even cancer — CBC Scholar Awards to Justin Cassidy and Nicolás Peláez, NU, contribute to the recent publication in Cell
Justin Cassidy and Nicolás Peláez, NU, were CBC Scholars, Class of 2010 and 2011, respectively.
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July 26, 2019
Embryonic stem cell defect in autism
A CBC Catalyst Award team of Yongchao Ma, NU and Chuan He, UChicago, discover how the embryonically-expressed protein FMRP, when mutated, inhibits stem cell differentiation into embryonic brain neurons thus causing the development of fragile X syndrome, a form of autism
Yongchao Ma, NU and Chuan He, UChicago, received a CBC HTS Award (2016).
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July 12, 2019
Simulation-based small molecule screen
Four NU researchers and past CBC Awardees, Leonidas Platanias, Elspeth Beauchamp, Matt Clutter and Gary Schiltz, publish research funded in part by a CBC Lever Award
Elspeth Beauchamp, Matt Clutter and Leonidas Platanias were co-recipients of a CBC HTS Award (2013); Gary Schiltz received a CBC HTS Award (2016) and as of 2018 has been a member of the CBC Accelerator Award Review Board.
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July 8, 2019
Defining the NSD2 interactome
Two CBC Awardees, Jonathan Licht and Neil Kelleher, identify posttranslational modification crosstalk that may play a role in carcinogenesis
Jonathan Licht, NU (currently at the University of Florida Health Cancer Center) was a recipient of a CBC Postdoctoral Research Award (2014) and a CBC Exploratory Workshop Award (2012). Neil Kelleher, NU, is a CBC Senior Investigator (for more details please see the article).
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July 8, 2019
New insight into liver cancer treatment
CBC Awardee Rick Silverman and a CBC Senior Investigator, Neil Kelleher, NU, collaborate on developing therapeutics for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC)
Rick Silverman, NU is a recent CBC Accelerator Award recipient (2018). Neil Kelleher, NU, is a CBC Senior Investigator (for more details please see the article).
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July 3, 2019
HupY in Streptococcus colonization and heme utilization on mucosal surfaces
CBC Postdoctoral Award to Laura Cook and Michael Federle, UIC, leads to the identification of a novel pathway that bacteria utilize to colonize mucosal surfaces
Laura Cook and Michael Federle, UIC, received a CBC Postdoctoral Research Award in 2014, renewed for another year in 2015.
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June 26, 2019
Screening for drugs against MERS
Twice CBC Awardees — Hyun Lee and Michael Johnson (UIC) — identify new compounds with a therapeutic potential against the coronavirus causing Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS)
Hyun Lee and Michael Johnson (UIC) received two CBC HTS Awards (2014, 2015). Other Johnson’s CBC Awards and ties to the CBC are also listed.
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June 25, 2019
Of cleaner water
CBC Postdoctoral Award recipients, Alex Rosenthal and George Wells, NU, study the interaction between biofilm and flocs in waste water purification
Alex Rosenthal and George Wells, NU, received a CBC Postdoctoral Research Award (2015).
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June 25, 2019
Measuring oxygen levels in solid tumors
A UChicago team of Nai-Tzu Chen and Chin-Tu Chen contributes to the development of a novel technology allowing them to measure oxygen levels in solid tumors and thus help optimize cancer treatment
Nai-Tzu Chen, a postdoc in Chin-Tu Chen’s lab at UChicago, received a CBC Postdoctoral Research Award (2015).
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June 25, 2019
Screening for cysteine-reactive inhibitors
Stefan Kathman, CBC Scholar, Class of 2014, publishes in Methods in Molecular Biology
Stefan Kathman is a CBC Scholar, Class of Class of 2014.
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June 21, 2019
Tuberculosis (TB) crisis – new drugs desperately needed
CBC three-time Awardee Scott Franzblau, UIC, to lead a team to develop new anti-TB drugs, as part of a multi-institutional project funded by a $28.4 million grant from NIH
Scott Franzblau, UIC, is a recipients of two CBC Catalyst Awards (2009 and 2016) and an HTS Award (2016).
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June 21, 2019
Piezo1 and lung edema
Three CBC Award recipients, Yulia Komarova, Asrar Malik and Jalees Rehman, UIC, co-authored a recent PNAS publication describing a pressure-sensing protein that may be involved in causing pulmonary edema
Yulia Komarova, Asrar Malik and Jalees Rehman, UIC have many ties to the CBC (see the article for details).
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June 21, 2019
A drug combo to help CPR
CBC recent Accelerator Award recipient, Dr. Terry Vanden Hoek, UIC, is a co-recipient of a $2.8 million NIH grant to study two drugs that could help survive sudden cardiac arrest
Dr. Terry Vanden Hoek, UIC, received a CBC Accelerator Award (2018) and a CBC Catalyst Award (2012).
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June 20, 2019
“Touch to kill”
Past CBC Awardee, Tolou Shokuhfar, UIC, received an award from the Chancellor’s Translational Research Initiative Program, to develop nanomaterials capable of killing bacteria on touch
Tolou Shokuhfar, UIC, and a postdoc in her lab, Emre Firlar, received a CBC Postdoctoral Research Award (2016).
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June 20, 2019
Enzyme by Design featured in Crain’s!
Arnon Lavie, UIC, founder, president and CEO of Enzyme by Design, a biotech startup which received CBC support through a CBC Accelerator Award, interviewed by Crain’s Chicago Business
Arnon Lavie, UIC, received a CBC Accelerator Award (2018).
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June 19, 2019
Ecstasy versus Meth
CBC Scholar, Leah Mayo, explores potentially therapeutic and addictive properties of low doses of Ecstasy and Meth, respectively, in two recent publications in Neuropsychopharmacology and Psychopharmacology
Leah Mayo, UChicago, is a former CBC Scholar, Class of 2014.
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June 19, 2019
Bicistronic expression in cerebellar development and diseases
CBC Awardee, Christopher Gomez, UChicago, explains how two distinct proteins translated from a common mRNA could interplay in the development of the cerebellum and in its pathology
Christopher Gomez, UChicago, received a CBC Catalyst Award (2015); Gomez and Xiaofei Du, UChicago, received a CBC HTS Award (2013).
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June 17, 2019
Copper centers revealed with top-down mass spectrometry
Three CBC Awards contribute to today’s publication in Nature Communications!
Amy Rosenzweig, Rahul Purohit, Neil Kelleher and Paul Thomas, NU, contributed to the article (for their ties to the CBC please see the article).
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June 13, 2019
Germline genetic risk variants and carcinogenesis
Kevin White, CBC Senior Investigator, UChicago and President of Tempus Labs, contributed to a recent study in the International Journal of Cancer, which examined associations between germline variants and somatic mutation signatures in breast cancer across a wide range of populations and geographic locations
Kevin White, UChicago, received a CBC Resources Fund Award (2006) and became a CBC Senior Investigator.
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June 13, 2019
Oogenesis — what could possibly go wrong?
In a recent review published in Current Opinion in Cell Biology, Sadie Wignall, Associate Professor at NU and CBC Junior Investigator, discusses oocyte meiosis
Sadie Wignall, NU, received a CBC Resources Fund Award (2011) and became a CBC Junior Investigator.
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June 7, 2019
Noncoding RNA and cancer
CBC Senior Investigator, Kevin White, UChicago and Tempus, demonstrates that post-transcriptional editing of noncoding RNA, seen in many types of cancers, may actually play a role in carcinogenesis itself
Kevin White, UChicago, received a CBC Resources Fund Award (2006), and hence was named the first CBC Senior Investigator.
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June 5, 2019
Meet a double-agent, MnSOD
David Gius, NU, explains in a recent Nature Communications paper — partially funded by a CBC Catalyst Award — how MnSOD can act as a pro-, or an anti-cancer agent
David Gius, NU, received a CBC Catalyst Award (2015).
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June 4, 2019
Understanding genetic diversity
CBC Awardee, Eric Andersen, NU, explains in a recent Genome Research publication
Erik Andersen, NU, received a CBC Catalyst Award (2014).
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June 4, 2019
Introducing Jump-Seq
Lulu Hu, a postdoc in Chuan He’s lab at UChicago and a recipient of a CBC Postdoctoral Research Award, publishes the results of her project in Journal of American Chemical Society
Lulu Hu (postdoc) and Chuan He, UChicago, received a CBC Postdoctoral Research Award (2016).
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June 3, 2019
Proteomics of 3D cell cultures
A new method to study proteomics across multilayer cell cultures developed by Bethany Perez-White and Spiro Getsios, in part supported by a CBC Postdoctoral Research Award
Bethany Perez-White (postdoc) and Spiro Getsios, NU, received a CBC Postdoctoral Research Award (2014; renewed for 2015).
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May 30, 2019
Dissecting the roles of 14(!) BMPs
A CBC Catalyst Award to Tong-Chuan He and Russell Reid, UChicago, contributes to understanding the mechanisms behind bone and other mesenchyme-derived tissues differentiation
Tong-Chuan He and Russell Reid, UChicago, received a CBC Catalyst Award (2013).
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May 24, 2019
Lucky male (mice)
Antibiotic cleanse of gut bacteria reduces Alzheimer’s symptoms in mouse model of the disease but only in male, not in female mice — past CBC awardee, Sangram Sisodia, UChicago, reports
Sangram Sisodia, UChicago, received a CBC Catalyst Award (2008), was an organizer of the 8th Annual CBC Symposium (2010), and an invited speaker at the CBC Demystifying Catalyst Award Program Workshop (2011). Sam also served on the CBC Catalyst Review Board (2008-2012).
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May 23, 2019
Endothelial barrier—tight then leaky
Three CBC affiliates — Andrei Karginov and Asrar B. Malik (UIC), and Teng-Leong Chew (Janelia) — contribute to a new study in Cell Chemical Biology about the endothelial barrier regulation
For the authors ties to the CBC please see the article.
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May 21, 2019
Cells surrounding the cancer promote its spread
Two CBC Awardees, Ernst Lengyel and Raymond Moellering, UChicago, contribute to recent research published in Nature about the role of stroma in facilitating metastasis of ovarian cancer cells
Both, Ernst Lengyel and Raymond Moellering, UChicago, have many ties to the CBC (please see the article for details).
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May 21, 2019
Serine to treat inflammation?
Two-time CBC awardee Navdeep Chandel, NU, explains in recent Cell Metabolism publication
Chandel received a CBC HTS and a CBC Catalyst Awards(2015 and 2011, respectively), and served on the CBC Catalyst Review Board (2014-2018).
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May 20, 2019
Nano-hmC-Seal helps identify neuroblastoma biomarkers
Four UChicago scientists with multiple ties to the CBC contribute to a recent study: Bob Grossman, Lucy Godley, Barbara Stranger and Chuan He
Bob Grossman, Lucy Godley, Barbara Stranger and Chuan He, Chicago, have multiple ties to the CBC (see the article for more details) .
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May 14, 2019
Developing sigma-2 specific probes and therapeutics
CBC Awardee Gary Schiltz, NU, contributes; CBC acknowledged for partial funding of the work recently published in ChemMedChem
Gary Schiltz, NU, received a CBC HTS Award (2016) and as of 2018 has been a member of the CBC Accelerator Award Review Board.
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May 14, 2019
Kif4’s role in acentriolar oocytes
CBC Junior Investigator, Sadie Wignall, NU, examines the progression of meiosis in live mouse oocytes despite lack of centrioles
Sadie Wignall, NU, is a CBC Junior Investigator, received a CBC Catalyst Award (2016) and was a member of the CBC Catalyst Review Board (2017).
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May 13, 2019
Battling epigenetic lymphomas
CBC Senior Investigator Neil Kelleher, NU, contributes to a new publication identifying a potential novel therapeutic pathway to treat the so called EZH2 dysregulated lymphomas
Neil Kelleher, NU is a CBC Senior Investigator.
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May 13, 2019
To better understand SMA
CBC Catalyst Awardee Yongchao Ma, NU, contributes to a recent publication that explores molecular mechanisms of the spinal muscular atrophy or SMA
Yongchao Ma, NU, received a CBC Catalyst Award (2016).
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May 11, 2019
Will mTORC + cTORC be “it”?
Four CBC affiliates contribute to a new discovery of another TORC protein complex which promises to become a therapeutic target for some of the treatment resistant leukemias
Leonidas Platanias and Elspeth Beauchamp, NU, received a CBC HTS Award (2013), Elizabeth Eklund, NU, received a CBC HTS Award (2013) and Paul Thomas, NU, was an instructor at the CBC Summer Workshops in Proteomics and Informatics (2010-2015).
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May 10, 2019
Understanding bacterial inter-strain competition
Recent CBC Catalyst awardee, Alan Hauser, NU, discusses in Infection and Immunity
Alan Hauser, NU received a CBC Catalyst Award in 2018.
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May 9, 2019
De novo genes challenge dogmas about evolution
Past CBC Awardee, Manyuan Long, UChicago, demonstrates in a recent Nature and Evolution article, that new genes can develop de novo from noncoding DNA sequences
Manyuan Long, UChicago, received a CBC Catalyst Award in 2007 and a CBC Postdoctoral Research Award in 2014. In addition, he was a speaker at the 7th Annual CBC Symposium (2009).
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May 8, 2019
Dual cancer therapies
Or, how inhibiting TGF-beta/CD73 pathway reverses an inhibition of anti-tumor T-cell activity. CBC Awardee, Bin Zhang, NU, explains.
Lei Qin (postdoc) and Bin Zhang, NU received a CBC HTS Award (2014).
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May 7, 2019
Proteoforms explained
A recent review in Proteomics, co-authored by a CBC Senior Investigator and proteomics expert, Neil Kelleher, NU
Neil Kelleher, NU is a CBC Senior Investigator.
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May 7, 2019
Universities step in to help entrepreneurial faculty
Crain’s Chicago Business provides examples from each of the CBC Universities and the UIUC
Aly Azeem Khan (postdoc) and Cathy Nagler (UChicago) received a CCSB/CBC Fellowship funded by the CBC Lever Award: Chicago Center for Systems Biology (CCSB).
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May 7, 2019
Solving a part of CRISPR structure
Part of the CRISPR complex structure resolved with help of Gatan 2, a direct electron detector purchased by NU with CBC funds
Alfonso Mondragón, NU, received a CBC Infrastructure Award, (2014), which is acknowledged in the publication. For other Mondragón’s ties to the CBC, please see the full article.
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May 6, 2019
Nanocarriers could replace surgical skin cancer treatment
CBC Awardees, Amy Paller and Duncan Hieu M. Dam, NU, publish in Materials Chemistry Frontiers, a novel, nanocarriers-based method that could benefit non-melanoma skin cancer treatments
Amy Paller and Duncan Hieu M. Dam, NU, received a CBC Postdoctoral Research Award, (2015)
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May 4, 2019
Consider slimming down!
CBC affiliate Ernst Lengyel, UChicago, comments in U.S.News on the rise of obesity-related cancer
Ernst Lengyel, UChicago, received a CBC Postdoctoral Research Award, (2014, renewed for 2015), a CBC HTS Award (2013), and a CBC Exploratory Workshop Award to organize the CBC Ovarian Cancer Workshop (2013).
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May 4, 2019
New generation of fungicides
CBC Catalyst Award winner, Eugene Chang, UChicago, featured by Crain’s Chicago Business for his work on anti-fungal agents
Eugene Chang, UChicago, received a CBC Catalyst Award (2015).
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May 3, 2019
NAS 2019 election
National Academy of Sciences announced newly elected members, including UChicago professor Matthew Tirrell, a past CBC awardee
Matthew Tirrell, UChicago, received a CBC Catalyst Award (2013) and a CBC Postdoctoral Research Award (PDR, 2014).
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April 27, 2019
In search of treatments for aggressive lymphomas
CBC Postdoctoral Research Award recipient Mark Manzano, and mentor, Eva Gottwein, NU, publish results of a screen designed to identify the mechanisms of drug resistance in primary effusion lymphoma (PEL)
Mark Manzano (postdoc) and Eva Gottwein, NU received a CBC Postdoctoral Research Award (2015, renewed for 2016).
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April 25, 2019
Understanding cell-to-cell communication in cancer
Two CBC awardees, Laura Sanchez and Joanna Burdette, UIC, developed a novel method of sample preparation to detect small molecule exchange using imaging mass spectrometry
Laura Sanchez, UIC, received a CBC Catalyst Award (2016). Joanna Burdette, UIC, received a CBC Postdoctoral Research Award (2014) and was a speaker at a CBC Scholars “Loop Connections” Seminar (2014).
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April 18, 2019
Extraterrestrial living?
CBC affiliate, Stefan Green, UIC, contributes to the Northwestern University led study of the twins living on Earth and in space, recently published in Science
Stefan Green, UIC, was a panelist at the CBC Tech Day (2014).
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April 17, 2019
Diverse angles of cancer treatment
Three UChicago scientists with links to CBC, Thomas Gajewski, Melody Swartz and Jeffrey Hubbell discuss different types of cancer treatments and stress the importance of translational research
Thomas Gajewski, Melody Swartz and Jeffrey Hubbell, UChicago, have several ties to CBC (please see the article for the details).
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April 17, 2019
Boosting immunotherapy through increased antigen presentation
CBC multiple awardee Chuan He, UChicago, explains how inhibition of a certain protease pathway in dendritic cells significantly increases antigen presentation causing a much higher immunotherapy efficacy in the melanoma mouse model
Chuan He, UChicago, has several ties to CBC (please see the article for the details).
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April 17, 2019
UIC’s TTC-352 and G1T48
Two agents developed by CBC affiliates Debra Tonetti and Greg Thatcher, UIC, tested in clinical trials as potential anti-breast cancer therapeutics
Debra Tonetti and Greg Thatcher, UIC, have several ties to CBC (please see the article for the details).
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April 14, 2019
If you ‘jerk,’ you’ll die…
Four past CBC Awardees from Northwestern contribute to this fascinating Nature Communications publication: Andrew Stephens, John Marko, Guillermo Ameer and Vadim Backman
Andrew Stephens, John Marko, Guillermo Ameer and Vadim Backman, NU, have several ties to CBC (please see the article for the details).
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April 12, 2019
Meet Aurora, the exascale computer
Two CBC affiliates, Narayanan “Bobby” Kasthuri and Rick Stevens, UChicago, discuss potential research benefits of using Aurora in brain mapping and cancer treatment
Narayanan Kasthuri, UChicago, is a recipient of a CBC Catalyst Award (2017). Rick Stevens, UChicago, was a co-recipient of a CBC Infrastructure Award (2006) and served on the CBC Catalyst Review Board (2006-2008).
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April 11, 2019
Is it time to eat?
CBC Spark Awardee, Joseph Bass, NU, identifies a subset of neurons in the hypothalamus, that coordinate circadian rhythm-dependent sense of hunger
Joseph Bass, NU was a recipient of a CBC Spark (2011) and a Catalyst (2007) Awards.
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April 5, 2019
Keep in line, epithelium!
Deciphering the mechanisms of epithelial migration – CBC Community member Sally Horne-Badovinic, UChicago, publishes in Current Biology
Sally Horne-Badovinic (UChicago) was a speaker at a 2012 CBC Scholars Seminar “Loop Connections.” In 2016, Sally, and her postdoc, Allison Zajac, received a CBC Postdoctoral Research Award (see the article for more details).
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April 5, 2019
Drug repurposing to treat cancer, Part II
Past CBC Awardee, Marsha Rosner, UChicago, interviewed by Healthline to comment on her recent discovery published in Nature
Marsha Rosner (UChicago) received two Catalyst Awards (2013 and 2009), was an organizer and a speaker at the CBC Exploratory Workshop on Cellular Heterogeneity (2013) and served on CBC Spark and Catalyst Review Boards. (see the article for more details).
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April 4, 2019
To the power of drug repurposing
Past CBC Awardee, Marsha Rosner, UChicago, identifies a novel pathway that can be disrupted with known drugs suppressing breast cancer development in animal models
Marsha Rosner (UChicago) received two Catalyst Awards (2013 and 2009), was an organizer and a speaker at the CBC Exploratory Workshop on Cellular Heterogeneity (2013) and served on CBC Spark and Catalyst Review Boards. (see the article for details).
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April 2, 2019
Divertin may stop the…unstoppable
Two CBC Catalyst Awardees, Jerrold Turner and Lawrence Miller, describe Divertin — a novel molecule that effectively stops diarrhea and other symptoms of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) in animal models
Jerrold Turner (Harvard; at UChicago back then) and Lawrence Miller (UIC) received a CBC Catalyst Award (2008) and have multiple other links to CBC (see the article for details).
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March 21, 2019
Get to know CADMIM
The UIC’s Center for Advanced Design and Manufacturing of Integrated Microfluidics (CADMIM) has received a 5-year NSF grant; CBC past awardee David Eddington, UIC, among key center researchers
David Eddington, UIC, has multiple links to CBC (see the article for details).
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March 21, 2019
Don’t forget to brush your teeth!
Two CBC affiliates, Stefan Green and Peter Toth, UIC, contribute to a study on a potential causative link between periodontitis and Alzheimer’s
Stefan Green and Peter Toth, UIC, were panelists at the CBC Tech Day (2014); Toth was also an organizer and a speaker at the CBC Exploratory Workshop (2016).
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March 21, 2019
Unknown proteome discovered
CBC Community member and past awardee, Alexander Mankin, UIC, uncovers cryptic translation sites in bacteria and demonstrates how a single gene can give rise to several distinct proteins
Alexander Mankin, UIC, has multiple links to CBC (see the article for details).
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March 20, 2019
AAAS 2018 Fellows, UIC
CBC Awardee and Board member, Wonhwa Cho, named a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)
Wonhwa Cho, UIC, has multiple links to CBC (see the article for details).
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March 20, 2019
‘Probability landscape’ of the latent HIV virus re-activation
New insights into eradicating dormant HIV — Past CBC Awardee Jie Liang, UIC, models cellular conditions that could awaken the virus.
Jie Liang, UIC, has multiple links to CBC (see the article for details).
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March 20, 2019
Tiny biosensors for the tiniest
A CBC community member, Amy Paller, NU, developing wireless sensors to monitor babies in hospitals’ neonatal intensive care units (NICU)
Amy Paller, NU, and her postdoc, Duncan Hieu Dam, received a 2016 CBC Postdoctoral Research Award.
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March 1, 2019
From bench to market
CBC community members from UChicago contribute to the commercialization pipeline at many different entry points. CBC poised to help.
Three CBC community members are featured: Julian Solway, UChicago, Matt Martin, Polsky Center and Eugene Chang, UChicago (see the article for the details).
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February 21, 2019
Prosthetic limbs getting smarter (Part IV)
More recognition of the pioneering work of the CBC Catalyst Awardee, Sliman Bensmaia, UChicago – The New York Times reports
Sliman Bensmaia, UChicago, received a Catalyst Award (2013).
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February 20, 2019
Prosthetic limbs getting smarter (Part III)
Complexity of feeling texture — CBC Catalyst Awardee, Sliman Bensmaia, UChicago, has begun to decipher
Sliman Bensmaia, UChicago, received a Catalyst Award (2013).
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February 19, 2019
Prosthetic limbs getting smarter (Part II)
CBC Catalyst Awardee, Sliman Bensmaia, UChicago, explains the promise and challenges of bionic limbs
Sliman Bensmaia, UChicago, received a Catalyst Award (2013).
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February 19, 2019
Prosthetic limbs getting smarter (Part I)
Two CBC Affiliates, Sliman Bensmaia and Nicho Hatsopoulos, UChicago, to lead an NIH-supported project developing mind-controlled limb prosthetics
Sliman Bensmaia, UChicago, received a Catalyst Award (2013) and Nicho Hatsopoulos, UChicago, was a speaker at a CBC Scholars-organized “Loop Connections” Seminar (2014).
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February 19, 2019
CT45, or cancer/testis antigen 45
Past CBC Awardee, Ernst Lengyel, UChicago, contributes to the discovery of a biomarker that can help predict response to therapy in patient suffering from ovarian cancer
Ernst Lengyel, UChicago received a CBC Postdoctoral Research Award (2014, renewed for 2015), A CBC HTS Award (2013) and was both an organizer and a speaker at the CBC Ovarian Cancer Workshop (2013).
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February 15, 2019
Reading your gut’s… RNA
New RNA sequencing technique, developed with the help of CBC affiliate Tao Pan, UChicago, allows evaluation of subtle changes in the gut microbiome in response to environmental changes
Tao Pan, UChicago received two CBC Catalyst Award (2013 and 2006), a CBC Postdoctoral Research Award (2014) and served on the CBC Catalyst Review Board and the CBC Spark Council.
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February 14, 2019
Kidneys in a test tube?
CBC Catalyst Award AND their recipients — Jason Wertheim, NU and Jeffrey Hubbell, UChicago — featured in Crain’s Chicago Business for a pioneering work on growing new kidneys
Jason Wertheim, NU and Jeffrey Hubbell, UChicago received a 2016 CBC Catalyst Award. Wertheim and his two postdocs received two Postdoctoral Research Awards (2015 and 2014).
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February 13, 2019
Microbiome versus Alzheimer’s
Past CBC awardee and board member, Sam Sisodia, UChicago, receives a multimillion grant to study the interplay between the gut microbiome and Alzheimer’s Disease
Sam Sisodia, UChicago, co-organized the 8th Annual CBC Symposium (2010), served on the CBC Catalyst Review Board (2008-2012) and received a 2008 CBC Catalyst Award.
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February 13, 2019
Dan in a spotlight!
NIH highlights work by CBC Junior Investigator, Daniel Dombeck, NU
Daniel Dombeck, NU, is a CBC Junior Investigator. Since 2017, he has also served on the CBC Catalyst Review Board.
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February 12, 2019
Boosting malaria vaccine
Two CBC affiliates, Jeffrey Hubbell and Melody Swartz, UChicago, develop a novel system to deliver a malaria vaccine that is more effective than those currently available
Jeffrey Hubbell, UChicago is a CBC Catalyst Award recipient (2016). Melody Swartz, UChicago, was an invited speaker at the 9th Annual CBC Symposium (2011).
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February 12, 2019
Can we predict Alzheimer’s?
CBC Scientific Director, Rick Morimoto, NU, aims to better understand and catch the disease before it develops clinically
Rick Morimoto, NU, is a CBC Scientific Director for NU (2006-present).
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February 8, 2019
More accolades for CBC community members
Two CBC affiliates, Jeffrey Hubbell, UChicago and Teresa Woodruff, NU, elected to the National Academy of Medicine
Jeffrey Hubbell, UChicago is a CBC Catalyst Award recipient (2016). Teresa Woodruff, NU, actively participated in research developments resulting from two CBC Awards: 2015 Lever and 2009 Spark.
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February 6, 2019
UChicago named professorships
Three UChicago faculty with links to CBC receive named, distinguished service professorships: Robert Grossman, Russell Reid and Margaret Gardel
Robert Grossman and Russell Reid are past CBC Awardees (PISF 2006 and Lever 2008, and Catalyst 2013, respectively). Gardel was invited speaker at 2009 CBC Forum. Other links to CBC are listed in the article.
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February 5, 2019
Macrophages – a dance of life with death
Five (!) CBC community members collaborate on how to speed up heart recovery after an infarct
Five CBC affiliates co-authored a publication attributed to CBC Catalyst Award (2013, to Edward Thorp, NU). See the article for details .
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January 25, 2019
Cooling to the rescue
CBC Awardee, Dr. Terry Vanden Hoek, UIC, named a 2018 Physician AND an Inventor of the Year!
Terry Vanden Hoek, UIC, is a recipient of a CBC Catalyst Award (2012).
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January 25, 2019
Lysosomes under surveillance
TWO high-impact publications from the Krishnan lab at UChicago, in Nature Nanotechnology and in Nature Methods, attributed to a recent CBC Catalyst Award!
Yamuna Krishnan, UChicago, is a recipient of a CBC Catalyst Award (2018), and, with her postdoc, Krishna Dan, of a CBC Postdoctoral Research Award (2015).
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